Gloucester Cathedral

Gloucestershire                                                                         Photos by Hetty

20th October 2023


9th September 2022

Near the cathedral is the Bishop Hooper Memorial, on the site where he was burnt at the stake in 1555.

St Mary’s gateway to the cathedral


26th January 2016                                                 

I visited Gloucester Cathedral with the U3A Photography Group on a wet day – so few outdoor photos.

My camera did well considering the low lighting levels and no tripod.

Osric, Prince of Mercia founded a religious house here 678-9, which became a Benedictine monastery in the early 1000s. The present building was started in 1089, and replaced the Anglo-Saxon one.

The tower from the cloisters

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At the entranceS1059702 copy S1059703 copy

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The Nave with Norman pillars (from 1089 to 1130).The stone vaulted roof (completed in 1242) replaced a wooden one. The organ was built in 1665S1059636 copyS1059644 copy

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1860 window shows King Henry III being crowned at Gloucester in 1216, aged 9 yearsS1059639 copy

Monument to Sir George Onesiphorus Paul (died 1820), prison reformer, born near StroudS1059641 copy

Thomas Seabroke – Abbot 1450 to 1457  S1059645 copy

Kyneburga, Osric’s sister – Abbess of Gloucester 679 to 710 (new statue)S1059646 copy

The Mater Mason is horrified to see an apprentice fall from aboveS1059647 copy

Knitivity at St Andrew’s ChapelS1059650 copyThis chapel was decorated in 1868, but the abbey would have been brightly painted in medieval times

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Robert of Normandy (son of William the Conqueror), was an early benefactor of the abbeyS1059652 copy

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1992 stained glassS1059655 copy

The Lady Chapel (1470s) with Norman font (1130). S1059656 copy S1059658 copyOn left is Judge John Powell (1713), and on right is Elizabeth Williams (1622) who died in childbirthS1059670 copyModern stained glassS1059671 copyThis window commemorates Ivor Gurney (local poet)S1059672 copy

c. 1530 monument to Prince Osric, holding a model of his churchS1059674 copy S1059675 copy

1330 monument to King Edward II, who died in Berkeley Castle. As he was buried here, Henry VIII kept the cathedral when he dissolved the monastery. During the Civil War the Mayor and burgesses of Gloucester saved the cathedral from being demolished

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The lion at King Edward’s II’s feet










The Quire was remodelled in the 1340s. The Great East Window c. 1350 is about the size of a tennis court. The redos behind the altar is Victorian

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Entrance to the treasuryS1059685 copyMore memorials:

John Bower, apothecary, (1615), wife Ann & ChildrenS1059686 copy

An astronomical clock, 1903S1059687 copy

Alderman Thomas Machen, wife Christian and children (c 1615)S1059688 copy

Sarah Morley (1784) – she died at sea in childbirth on a passage from IndiaS1059690 copy

Alderman John Jones (1630)S1059700 copy

The West Window – rebuilt c.1430; 1859 glassS1059689 copyMonument to Edward JennerS1059699 copy

The Cloisters – fan vaulting was invented here in 1350s

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S1059692 copyS1059627 copyThe Chapter House  S1059696 copy

On the left are the Carrels where the monks studiedS1059697 copy

The Lavatorium – washing areaS1059621 copy S1059623 copy

Part of Kings school

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The Crypt

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Victorian Font

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